Monday, 2 June 2014

Update Time - I Really Work Fast

Ok so yes I think these updates will be daily. First off I have been working very hard on this project and I am completely convinced I will be able to finish it soon. I am already on chapter 10 that's why.

After my inspiration burn out I think chapter 9 and 10 will just be fillers until the next plot change. they will be a bit shorter than the others I've done. These chapters are dragging now, because I need to wait until the plot twist, so I'm sorry if they aren't quite as fun as the others. You'll understand when you read.

While writing for chapter 10 I was very tempted to include something that would probably make my parents blush, because, as I mentioned in the page for this story, this story is largely based on one of the many fan fictions I have come to love, and well thanks to fan fiction my innocence is ruined, maybe not physically, but in other ways.

So summary of what inspired me to write these chapters:

In chapter 8 there was something that was really disturbing for my characters so chapter 9 was a segue into the next set of normalcy. I was inspired by one of the situations in "Of Dreams And Broken Things" and although it isn't quite as intense as Jareth and Sarah's opening up, I dreamed myself into the role. When you read it you'll understand what I mean, because Kaylin's situation isn't as bad as Sarah's in this fiction.

Now chapter 10 it's going to be just a filler, until the main action in the next few chapters. So I'm sorry if it seems very drab, but I kinda need it to prove that the next few actions are linked, so pay attention when you read it.

Just a little bit about chapter 11. It's going to be another fill because I just realised that chapter 10 has had a bit of a twist, so this chapter will be the filler, because the time difference between the chapters are quite short - they usually last between a few days and the week, so perhaps in this chapter the next week will fly by, perhaps not. It's a work in progress.

As always please do with this post what you will and God Bless. ^^

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