Monday, 14 January 2013

Riddle 2 - What Am I?

So last Wednesday I posted up a riddle, that went something like this:

It has no future or history,
It is always a mystery,
However hard we look,
It is something others have took,
It's not wanted when found,
But is needed all around.

What am I?

The answer was:


(This is not mine by the way!)

The reason behind this riddle, was because I figured that everyone needed a little love, and a riddle like this one will always find its answer in the deepest recesses of someone's heart, so if you know anyone who really needs this love, share it with them. ^^

So are you ready for the next one?

Here it is:

What has an eye, but cannot see,
It is a danger to you and me,
What is created, but does not create,
It is what we fear when it wakes,
What causes death, at the peak of life,
It has no fear, it has no strife.

Again I will be waiting for answers that are posted, so please...COMMENT THE ANSWER THAT YOU THINK IT IS!!!!

That is all!

By the way, this picture has no reference to the answer, I put it up, because it just snowed today!! I wish it settled!!! AGAIN THE PICTURE IS NOT MINE!!! I just used it for inspiration!

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