Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Revival of Updates Abducted Whatnots

Hello everyone! (Oh god! Feather's invaded!) Anyway, so, I've found a new purpose for this blog. Yes there may be some traffic from Feather's website, but this blog will basically be the little diary I started it out to be. I think that would be best, that way, I won't have to overload Feather with all this negativity, because right now, I do feel a little bit negative.

Anyway...so there's been a lot of development since I moved to Feather's Charm. First, there's just so many things to modify on that website, this blog is really simple and I prefer it to that one! It's so simple! Second, I've started so many projects that I literally have no time for myself, but I guess that's a good thing, because if I did have a lot of time to myself, I'd probably get depressed and angry at myself for not doing anything with my life. Seriously that happens.

So what happened with this website? Well, don't get me wrong, it's just a lot of stuff goes on there, that I'm starting to go insane! So many things to add, to change, to remove, it's crazy! I'd love to just stick with this blog, but I kinda want that structure WordPress has (no offence Blogger) it's just so easy to use, plus I discover more every week, when I work for the Codpast! It's awesome! So, I'm sorry but I'll be sticking with that website.

As for the projects stuff, well...for those of you who've stuck with me all these years I'm grateful, but if you're just getting here now, be grateful you didn't have to go through the phases I went through to get to this point. Ok, so, a little background. Last year, I found myself getting depressed so much so I couldn't stop crying for nearly three days. I was so bummed out that I didn't have a boyfriend and everyone else around me did, and that's why I'm working hard to keep myself busy. I don't ever want to feel like that ever again, so I've pushed it to the back of my mind, and I'm doing everything I can to  ignore it. Although, I know many of you will think that it's not a good thing. But that's the thing. If I don't ignore it, I'll be the crybaby I don't ever want to be...ok, let me ask you this, would you rather a friend who is strong and keeps on with life, or someone who constantly relies on you for comfort? I'd rather be strong!

So what projects have I got? Well there's the website (which is great, but also a nightmare). I've got several YouTube channels lined up for myself, but I might quit a few of them, because of reasons (which I will not discuss here)...OH! I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT MY STORY!!!! Yes that is still going on, and no I will not be sharing it on Feather's Charm. I think, I'll stick with my roots, and stick it up here! You know, it all started here, it will end here...well, I won't say end, but...you guys know. You all know me! Anyway...Yes I'm still working on that novel, but it's taking longer than usual because of what I've got lined up for my life basically. Oh and I've actually started a scrapbook! Yes a scrapbook...just because!

I haven't quite finished decorating it yet, but I will...I like how the map is behind the book...because it is a scrapbook of all the stuff I got when I was out of the country. I started it when I went to Prague, because I thought, since my sister isn't using her scrapbook, I might as well set an example (although she does have time to draw...which she could do in her one if she wanted)...but I highly doubt she'll follow it, so oh well. It's my personal project. I don't care!

So, that's it. I'll see you lot later!

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