Monday, 8 September 2014

Boring Holidays And Frustrated Packing

Well, you can probably tell this will be a rant, as well as an update. Basically, I packed for Malaga today, we're going to leave on Friday (but my parents are quite paranoid about the packing so they pack pretty much a week before we leave), and because they don't quite trust me or our hotel/resort, I can't bring my laptop with me. So I won't be able to work on my story for around 6/7 days.

Yes another week before I can either finish the story or start on the second draft (editing it). I'm almost there, I'm on chapter 15 now, and the good stuff is just starting - oh yeah, please don't mind chapter 13 and 14, they're fillers, because we can't have all the good stuff going on pretty much every chapter, plus the time scales would be too short. Anyway, hopefully I'll be able to finish the story in the next three days...that is if I don't have anywhere to go.

Now onto the rant...I am so mad my parents won't let me take my laptop! I will be bored, because a) there is most likely going to be no wifi in the room, so all the apps that I usually go on will be abandoned for that week...yippee...and again I won't have my laptop to work from. Ok they offered the small notebook my mum usually works from, but that is deathly slow! I can't work on a laptop that every five seconds would probably freeze on me! I mean yeah that would be a better alternative, but I just don't see myself staring at the small screen, especially when I like the way the MacBook feels under my hands (no puns intended). I'm just saying I like looking at my laptop screen, when I work on my book, because it has been my "original" (I'll explain...think of music, and how people do covers of different songs, like...I don't know, Starships by Nicki Minaj, you know, the cast of Pitch Perfect sang it with Mike Tompkins and people would say I like Nicki's version or I like Pitch Perfect's version...yeah well "original" means the original version of that's like that with me and my laptop) I can't stand looking at my work on a different screen, even if it will help me finish my story faster. It's probably an OCD thing for me...yeah I have mild OCD when it comes to certain projects and things.

Anyway, I think this episode of anger was due to me PMS-ing, I'm close (sorry boys but girl talk...) and because it's coinciding with this trip, I know I will be hella bored, because I can't swim, and I know if I try, it would just spell disaster. So I will be stuck inside the hotel room trying to think of ways to entertain myself, which probably would include me listening to old soundtrack music while I think of a new story line for the next story in the series, which again will probably take me ages to finish. So my brain will be occupied with two stories by the time I return from holiday, on the 17th.

Oh yes, and the reason for the pretty much 4 day trip is because I have re-enrolment on the 18th and I can't miss that! Otherwise I'd be taken off the course! I can't have that! So in conclusion (for the first half of this post) I won't be working on my story because of my stubborn, paranoid parents, I won't be able to bring my laptop to Malaga, I'll be having a horrible time, because I won't be able to swim, and I will be burdened with two stories in my head for the rest of the summer...oh and as soon as uni starts, I'll have university work bothering me too. So in all my mind will be ready to explode by Christmas.

Ok so I'm overreacting, but come on in all fairness, I want to finish this first story as soon as I can, so that you guys won't get bored with just my ramblings, and TBH I really want to get this story out there because I want to. It's been eating at me ever since I failed to finish the first attempt to finish. It will kill me to give up on this story, since the plot line has me excited, and the character development is way deeper than the feeble attempt the first time.

Sorry, again for this...Anyway, back to the update part of this post. As I've said I'm on chapter 15. Basically the first act (again I see this as a play or film or whatever...) is what got me excited, but I didn't want it to stop there, I wanted it to be bigger and better, so I've developed the characters a lot more, and now I'm at a heavy plot development and when I am finally done with the first draft, I think it will take me a while to readjust the proportions of it and whatnots. Again I will thank my reviewers for it, when I give it to them. It would be so much easier after they give me their feedback. So again it will be a while before you get to see the final version of this story. After that I'll work on the second one, which I already have planned out in my head. I just hope that by the time I write it up, it would flow like it did for this first one.

So in short I'm going to be depressed next week because I have nothing to do, not even enjoy the sun and swim...It's DEPRESSING!!!!!! Anyway...

I'm out of things to say, so again do whatever you want with this post (except copy it). Bye...

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