Hi guys, just testing out a new feature! Didn't think it would work...basically, it's been a while since I advertised my other website. So this is the newest addition to my YouTube channel, and will be for a while yet, since uni has taken over. But this house was a real treat to make...although it destroyed my computer...Anyway, if you want to know more, then check out my website:
Feather's Charm
I'm actually quite proud of this house, it's been a while since I did such a complicated house...but you'll learn all about that when you decide to actually read over why I made this house...you can find the link here:
The Green Residence
Well, that's it for now. See you next time when I'm on a rave again. As always, do with this post what you will! This is FeatherCharm, signing out! God Bless!