A world set apart,
Seen and is real,
But is never believed,
Those who lived in it,
Cannot describe it,
Nor do they want to,
We only dream of what it's like,
But we will never know,
If we don't live it.
Did you get it?
The answer is:
Again I was inspired by Les Mis for this one. How many of us can say that we've been in a war, physically, not emotionally or mentally. I mean like really been in one. I know there are many people who can say they have, and they can say a list of facts about how it was and how they felt, but we will never actually know what it's like to be in a war. Can you really imagine it: your friends and family dying right before your eyes? Can you say that you'd go to their aid instead of saving yourself? Can you even say that if you saw a gun aimed at your friend, would you really run to their aid? Would you sacrifice yourself, in an environment like that? You will never know unless you've lived it. Those who lived it say it's hell on earth, and we say we understand. But do we really understand?
Ok so enough philosophizing, down to business...
We accept it from birth,
We live it until the world hits us,
When we oppose it,
Others say we are blind,
We close ourselves off to its ideas,
We judge those who are,
We cannot accept what it is,
Even though it has been for ages.
What do you think?
Again answers can be posted as a comment so please...COMMENT!!!!

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