Wednesday, 10 October 2012

A Weird Mood Swing

OK, so today we had a PSHE class (Personal, Social and Health Education & Citizenship - not really counted) and we had a person who came in and talked about universities abroad, in the EU (By the way...THEY ARE FREE!!!! URGH! IF ONLY I FOUND THIS OUT SOONER!!!), and her research on our school, and the system in itself. Anyway, that's not what I'm going on about this time, but it was the strange mood swing that I experienced afterward.

After the talk, I needed to use the restroom, so I went. When I came out of the bathroom, and back into the Common Room (where everyone was) and sat down, I suddenly felt depressed and angry, for no apparent reason, and I felt like everyone around me should die...Was that normal? I guess it could be after all my "Women's Problems" started today, but I don't usually have these really bad mood swings...They usually change slowly, not this fast...should I be worried?

Well one thing's for sure, I feel a lot better now. So don't worry, I'm not ranting. I just wanted to get this off my chest. Anyway, I just had my first House Official meeting today, and apparently I may or may not keep my job, if the teachers want it...Hopefully I get to stay because I've already included it in my personal statement and I don't want to have to delete what I've written and start again!!!! ><...But yes, it's official for now at least, and it has been decided I will be part of the "Hair and Nails" stall at my school's Charity Day event...Looking forward to it!! I will be in charge of nails, because of my newly acquired "Nail Stamp" set I bought while in the USA, which I LOVE! I will also be using patterns that have been inspired by the internet, and DIY nails from tutorial videos that I am so inspired by. So we'll see how that goes...

For now, here's an inspiring photo I took whilst on a photography course this summer (AND YES I DID TAKE IT! I DID NOT EDIT OR PHOTOSHOP SOMEONE ELSE'S!!!!!):

And as always...Make of it what you will...^^

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